At Pilar, we build your future growth
At Pilar, we provide you with a tailor-made corporate valuation
At Pilar, we build your future growth
Pilar Corporate Finance is a Panamanian company dedicated to offer tailor-made financial advisory services to small and medium-size companies, large corporations as well as government entities.
The company seeks to help clients with their challenges of performance improvement, to create solid financial plans and to give practical advisory based on a profound analysis, which is done together with management. Dedication, analysis and direct feedback “without filter” are some of the values that characterize the company.
We listen and analyze first, then we advise. This gives us the opportunity to understand the characteristics that make your business unique, identify the key pillars for growth and understand how can we advise.
With more than 15 years of corporate finance experience in different sectors and regions, we bring international expertise to Panama.
Mission: We are passionate about offering knowledge and financial advice to our clients in search of creating added value to their business through profound analyses, clear communication “without filter” and a comprehensible reporting style.
Vision: Be a distinguish finance advisory firm that takes its clients to the next level in terms of their financial performance, capacity of business projection, execution of growth and preparation for transactions (M&A).
“How much is my business worth?” Our expertise in corporate valuation allows us to prepare high-quality valuation reports to shareholders.
We assess our clients through a transactional process either to sell a business or to evaluate a potential acquisition.
Understanding the quality of earnings and the inherent business risks are key elements in an M&A and form the purpose of a Due Diligence.
Let an external expert review your business in an independent manner. A quick scan identifies in a short timeframe those areas of your business that require attention, pose a risk, or have the potential to yield better.
Envision your business 5 to 10 years from now. A financial model is a projection of your financial position and performance, with an understanding of the key value drivers that will let you build value to your business in the future.
A business plan can be difficult to assemble but it is fundamental to the success of a business idea.
Shareholders and investors ask themselves frequently how much their business is worth. We elaborate valuation reports for companies of any size and in any sector. We have knowledge of different valuation techniques that can be applied to a wide range of companies. We are ready to provide you with a valuation report of your business.
The value of a business rests primarily in the capacity to create future expected cash flows. Therefore, it is important to understand the details of not only the company but also the sector and the market in which it operates. A well-balanced approach between risk and return is a factor that defines to a large extent the quality of the valuation.
Our clients consist of shareholders of family businesses, SME´s, and large corporations, as well as accounting firms and the public sector.
Understanding the value of your business is important when buying or selling a share and in merger processes in which synergy plays an important role for value creation.
In addition, the valuation services are relevant for auditing purposes: Impairment testing, purchase price allocation (or PPA), and intangible asset valuations are some of the accounting areas that require a professional valuation.
We provide support to clients that embark on a transactional process. Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) can be considered for different reasons, but it is important to always take into account the strategy behind a transaction and to act accordingly.
The process of acquiring or selling a company consists of several stages, including a strategic analysis, evaluation of valuation aspects, deal monitoring, financial projection, legal steps and due diligence. It is important to have trusted advisors that will handle this process for you and acts in your best interest.
Our experience in M&A is built on a career in Big4 firms. We apply our knowledge in a practical way relevant to our clients, aiming to add value to your business.
There are different types of Due Diligence, depending on the objectives, but they all have something in common: to provide detailed insight, to understand the real financial situation of a company and to obtain a well-documented report of findings. In Pilar Corporate Finance we have the capacity and the experience to carry out a tailor-made Due Diligence with high quality standards.
Buy-side Due Diligence: Key to decision-making in acquiring a business is the quality of earnings of a target company. Understanding the recurrence of revenues, the capacity to generate cash flow and the appropriate working capital levels, are elements that a buy-side Due Diligence will address. It is based on facts and analyses of financial figures. As a result of the process will give you advice regarding to the transaction, identify the warranties and guarantees that should be included in a binding contract and determine what adjustments are appropriate to the purchase price.
Vendor Due Diligence: Providing a potential buyer with a well-documented financial report about your business (subject to signing a confidential agreement or NDA) creates value and can be a determining factor in the deal-making or negotiation process. It is the opportunity to prepare the company for sale and anticipate any critical questions that the counterpart will observe.
¿What is a Quick scan? In about two weeks, we will perform an integral analysis of your business based on a financial review, corporate information, and interviews with key employees. The results? A summary-style report in which we identify risks, spot areas for improvement and present a gap analysis between your company and best practices. It is a powerful tool that can be the start of a business improvement process.
One of our core competences is creating a tailor-made financial model for our clients. While accounting and auditing look backwards, a financial model aims to project future financial statements based on historical financial trends as well as forecast assumptions regarding future developments.
Benefits? Thorough understanding of how future value is created in your business, identifying opportunities of improvements in operational efficiency, seeing the impact of certain strategic decisions concerning profitability, cash flows and financing requirements.
Financial modeling is the basis of corporate finance. It is used for business valuation, feasibility studies, evaluation of strategic scenarios and developing business plans. They are also relevant in obtaining debt financing with banks and to obtain insight into the capacity of the business to distribute dividends.
It is the key tool for each CFO and frequently used in board meetings as a support in strategic decision-making.
A business plan is not merely a static document that you create one day and then disappears in the bottom drawer. A good business plan should aim to get investors united to fund the business, and banks convinced to provide financing. Pilar Finance helps you to turn a business idea into an integral plan. The process itself of developing a business plan is already interesting and it helps reveal the true value drivers of your future business. Contact us so we can help you turn your idea into a business.
Henri Odink founded Pilar Corporate Finance in early 2020. Throughout his professional career he has assisted renowned clients in corporate finance matters such as business valuation, feasibility studies, financial modeling, transaction support (M&A) and raising debt and/or capital.
He studied at Maastricht University in The Netherlands where he received a master´s degree in International Business.
For 15 years he worked in the field of Corporate Finance and M&A. He gained experience working with KPMG, where he led various advisory projects in a variety of industries in Panama, the Caribbean, and the rest of Central America.
Support team: Pilar Corporate Finance works with a network of analysts and financial advisers dedicated to advise clients at an international level. For more information contact us.
Our Company has worked with Pilar Finance on several occasions in projects of financial forecasting and transaction evaluation. Their involvement has added value to our decision making process at the management and investor level. Pilar brings the knowledge and expertise of the big consulting firms but with a practical and realistic approach. We have chosen this firm because we believe it is the best option to lead our strategic and financial projects.
Our group of companies manages real estate projects with large investments at stake. For one of our projects, Pilar Finance developed the financial forecast model which allowed us to get an in-depth analysis of the feasibility and profitability of the project we envisaged. The forecast model turned out to be a useful tool for our internal evaluation and included metrics like expected Return on Investment (ROI), earn-back period and sensitivity of our assumptions on the expected cash flow. Through their experience in financial modeling, Pilar Finance allowed us as investors to evaluate the project.
For more information about us, leave us a message and we will contact you.
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